Central America and Caribbean Islands (North America)

Géo2D contributed to The Latin America Energy Organisation’s (OLADE’s) definition of geothermal exploration methodology and identification of the resources in most countries of the region including the Caribbean arc (notably Dominica and its southern extension on land in Venezuela. We therefore have capacity to provide relevant advisory services to geothermal energy developers.

  • Publications
  • Correia H., Demange J., Hervé J.Y., Laplaige P., Puvilland P. & Varet J. (1984)- Amphoe fang geothermal project resources assessment and predesign of 120 kwe pilot plant – Rapport BRGM/RR-00316-FR, 84, SGN, 282, GTH
  • Demange J., Fabriol R., Varet J., Westercamp D., Hernandez W., Navarro J.M., & Retana M. (1982)- Estudio de reconocimiento de los recursos geotermicos de la Republica de Guatemala – Rapport BRGM/RR-00568-FR, 82, SGN, 021, GTH
  • Varet J., Westercamp D., Traineau H., Iundt F. & Verzier P. (1980) - Olade. Projet de recherche géothermique en République d'Haïti. Etude de reconnaissance. Rapport géo-volcanologique. Synthèse et recommandations, rapport final BRGM/RR-00646-FR, 80, SGN, 920, GTH
  • Varet J. (1980) - Le champ géothermique d’El Pilar-Casanay - Province de Sucre – Vénézuela. Rapport BRGM 80 SGN 211 GTH.
  • Varet J. (1980)- Proyecto de investigacion geotermica de la Republica de Haiti. Estudio de reconocimiento sintesis y recomendaciones informe final. – Rapport BRGM/RR-41038-FR
  • Varet J. (1977) - Géothermie en Dominique (Antilles). Compte rendu de visite et d'étude, proposition de programme. – Rapport BRGM/RR-00801-FR, 77, SGN, 640, GTH