Geothermal Energy
The natural earth heat flow combined with suitable geological conditions (reservoir rocks) produce renewable energy resources in stable zones (that can be used to meet heating and cooling needs) and even more in geodynamically active zones (for electricity production). Géo2D offers exceptional expertise gained from hands-on experience in the most diverse environments.. This concerns resource exploration and feasibility studies including advisory on the most suitable exploitation technologies from program conception through to implementation stages.Géo2D has carried out its activities in the past years for various public and private companies mainly in Auvergne,Reunion Island,Ethiopia,Kenya,Djibouti and Rwanda.In France, Auvergne and Réunion, Géo2D supports Electerre de France, which has an exploration license for high-temperature geothermal energy at Chaudes Aigues, in the Sancy Massif, in Riom en Limagne and in Reunion Island. .
In Kenya, it involves in the training of KenGen and GDC professionals and trainers from the various institutes of technology in the country, it is carried out in Dedan Kemathi Technological University as part of the GETRI (Institute of Research and Technology for Geothermal Energy). Research programs are also designed and implemented within the framework, especially through the support of Obama's Power Africa program and other Kenyan and British research agencies. Jacques Varet is incharge of directing several theses done by young professionals on Kenyan sites at the stages of exploration or development.
In Ethiopia Géo2D works for local and foreign operators, such as French (Boortmalt Axeréal group for the study of geothermal solutions for a malting project, Meridiam for a 500 MW geothermic power plant in Tulu Moye, and AGAP (Community Geotermic Enterprise) for the study and development of sites in the Afar Septentionnal.
In Djibouti, Géo2D intervenes in supporting ODDEG by advising them on their capacities and helping in the structuring of young institutions and in assiting, discovering and exploration of the geothermic sites of the country. These interventions are financially supported by the German BGR.
in Kenya, thanks to the funding of EU in geological study and the development of conceptual models in the north-west of the country (Gisenui region, north-eastern shores of Lake Kivu) Gé02D is able to carry to research programs.h
- Publications
Varet, J. (2016) Perspectives et Initiatives en géothermie dans la vallée du Grand Rift Est-Africain. Géosciences. 21, 39.
Varet, J. (2017) La géothermie: quelles perspectives, notamment pour la haute température. Géologues, 192, 52-59.
ODDEG (2016) : Stratégie à 20 ans (2015-2035) Djibouti, mission BGR de renforcement de l’ODDEG, 42p.
- ODDEG (2016): Plan d’Action 2015 – 2018. Djibouti, mission BGR de renforcement de l’ODDEG, 34p.
- ODEG (2016) : Manuel de Procédures. Djibouti, mission BGR de renforcement de l’ODDEG, 130p.
- Varet, J. (2015), " La géothermie dans la transition énergétique, approche transdisciplinaire du développement durable", Revue francophone du développement durable, n°6, pp. 74-98
- Nebro, A., Gardo, I.A., Varet, J. & Onyango, S. (2016) Community-based geothermal development perspective in Afar: a new player Afar Geothermal Development Company (AGAPI) Proceedings, 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd –4thNovember 2016
- Onyango, S., & Varet, J. (2016) Future Geothermal Energy Development in the East African Rift Valley through local Community Involvement: Learning from the Maori’s experience. Proceedings, 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd –4thNovember 2016
- Moussa, K., Houmed, M., Cheik, H., Khaireh, A., Magareh, H. & Varet, J. (2006) Long term (2015-2035) geothermal development strategy for Djibouti. Proceedings, 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd –4thNovember 2016
- Omenda, P., Ebinger, C., Nelson, W., Delvaux, D., Cumming, W., Marini, L., Halldórsson, S., Varet, J., Árnason, K., Ruempker, G., Alexander1, K., Zemedkum, M.(2006) Characteristics and important Factors that influence the Development of Geothermal Systems in the western branch of the East African Rift System. Proceedings, 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd –4th November 2016
- Mariita, N., Onyango, S. & J. Varet, J. (2016) Potential for Small Scale Direct Applications of Geothermal
- Fluids in Kenya’s Rift Valley – An Update from GeoPower Africa Project Proceedings, 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd –4th November 2016
- Varet, J.(2014) Asal-Fialé geothermal field (Djibouti republic): A new interpretation for a geothermal reservoir in an actively spreading rift segment.Proceedings 5th African Rift geothermal Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 29-31 October 2014
- Varet, J., Omenda, P., Achieng, J., Onyango, S.Proceedings 5th African Rift geothermal Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 29-31 October 2014.
- Onyango, S. & Varet, J. (2014): For a new social gender-based approach to geothermal development. Proceedings 5th African Rift geothermal Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 29-31 October 2014.
- Varet, J.
- Varet, J. (2013) : La géothermie en milieu Rural. Revue Pour, Paris. N°218, 151-164
- Varet, J. (2013) : La terre est aussi une source d’énergie durable. Revue Géosciences N°16
- Haga, A. O., Youssouf, S.K. & Varet, J. (2012): The Manda-Inakir geothermal prospect area, Djibouti Republic. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 7p.
- Haga, A. O., Cheik, H. S. & Varet, J. (2012): The Obock and Rouéli geothermal sites, Djibouti Republic. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 9p.
- Houmed, A. M., Haga, A. O. Abdilahi, S. & Varet, J. (2012) : Proposal for new geothermal models and sites hierarchy in Djibouti Republic. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 10p.
- Houmed, A. M., Haga, A. O. Abdilahi, S. & Varet, J. (2012): The Asal geothermal site, Djibouti Republic (model update, 2012), Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 9p.
- Houmed, A. M., Haga, A. O. & Varet, J. (2012): A revised approach to the Hanlé-Gaggadé (Djibouti Republic): the Garabbayis geothermal site. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 7p.
- Houmed, A. M., Haga, A. O. Abdilahi, S. & Varet, J. (2012): Nord-Ghoubbet geothermal site, Djibouti Republic. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 7p.
- Souleiman,H., Houmed, A. M., Khaireh, A. Haga, A. O., Abdillahi, S. O., Aye F. (2012): Geothermal Development in Djibouti Republic: A Country Report. Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference . Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 7p.
- Varet, J., Chernet, T. Woldetinsae G. Arnason, K. (2012): Exploring for Geothermal Sites in Northern and Central Afar (Ethiopia) Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference . Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 7p.
- Varet, J. (2012) : La géothermie en France et en région Centre. Académie d’Orléans, VIeme série, t.22, p.123-135.
- Varet, J. (2012): Risorse geotermiche e loro sviluppo in aree di bassa e media temperatura: esempi della Francia. Atti del convegno Il Calore della terrs. Piancastagnaio (Siena) 10 Dec. 2012, 6p.
- Varet, J. (2012) : La géothermie en France et en région Centre. Académie d’Orléans, VIeme série, t.22, p.123-135.
- Varet J. (2012) - La France peut-elle se passer de la géothermie ?
- Varet J. (2012) – interview géothermie, Manuel de terminale S, Editions Belin
- Varet J. (2012) – la géothermie pour la production d’électricité. Encyclopédie de Développement Durable
- Varet J. (2011) - La Géothermie 1 : aspects généraux. Encyclopédie du Développement Durable, N°
- Varet J. (2010) – La géothermie, parent pauvre du bouquet énergétique. TSM, N°10, p. 8-9.
- Varet J. et Goguel J (2010) Géothermie Encyclopedia Universalis, article révisé 23p.
- Varet J. (2003) - La géothermie. - > In , Sciences en Sologne - Orléans - France - 13/05/2003
- Varet J. (2003) - Les énergies renouvelables sont la vraie réponse. - In Quel avenir pour le nucléaire, Passages.- N° 128, p. 83
- Varet J. (2003) - Energies pour la petite industrie dans les PED : exemple de la géothermie. - In , Les énergies renouvelables (EnR) dans l'Outre-Mer français : situations et perspectives - Paris - France - 25/09/2003,
- Varet J. (1982) - Programme de recherche en matière de géothermie. Contribution à la "mission énergie" du ministère de la recherche et de la technologie dit "rapport Chartier - Tazieff" – Rapport BRGM/RR-19991-FR, 82, SGN, 879, GTH
- Gerard A., Rancon J.P., Varet J., Benderitter Y., Dupis A., Fitterman D., Puvilland P., Robert D., & Stieltjes L. (1981) - Evaluation du potentiel géothermique de l'Ile de la Réunion, géologie et géophysique. Synthèse des données acquises au 1er octobre 1981 – Rapport BRGM/RR-00547-FR, 81, SGN, 669, GTH
- Varet J. (1981) - Techniques de développement de l'énergie géothermique – Rapport BRGM/RR-00625-FR, 81, SGN, 130, GTH
- Varet J. (1981) - "Geothermal energy" - l'énergie géothermique (conférence au séminaire franco-indonésien de l'énergie - mars/1981) – Rapport BRGM/RR-00629-FR, 81, SGN, 129, GTH
- Varet J. & Coudert J.M. (1981) - La géothermie à la conférence des Nations-Unies sur les énergies nouvelles et renouvelables -activité française- Rapport BRGM/RR-07923-FR, 81, SGN, 766, GTH
- Varet J. (1980) - La géothermie, un des atouts français. Techniques de l’Energie.
- Goguel, J. & Varet J. (1980) - La géothermie article - Encyclopedia Universalis,.p. 666-671.
- Varet J. (1980) - La géothermie, cette méconnue. Le Monde des Sciences et des Techniques.
- Varet J. (1980) - La géothermie, une alternative sérieuse pour les besoins de basse température. Revue Economique franco-suisse.
- Varet J. (1978) “Géothermie” Ressources Françaises et Possibilités de mises en valeur. “Annales des Mines”.
- Varet J. (1978) - La géothermie : Utilisation de l’énergie dissipée des profondeurs et contenue dans l’écorce terrestre. “Sciences et Vie”.
- Varet J. (1978) - “La Géothermie en France”. Délégation aux Energies Nouvelles (ouvrage collectif).
- Varet J. (1978) - Interventions du B.R.G.M. en géothermie. Coordination avec les services géologiques régionaux. Objectifs. Rapport BRGM 78 SGN 276 GTH.
- Varet J. (1978) - La Géothermie : Ressource et développement. Journal de l’Ecole des Mines.
- Varet J. (1978) - Le chauffage par le sous-sol : la géothermie. l’Elu d’aujourd’hui.
- Varet J. (1978) - Low enthalpy geothermal fields, with reference to geothermal energy in France. Chinestu, 15, 4, p. 189-202.
- Varet J. (1978) - Réalisation par le Département Géothermie, pour le compte de la Délégation aux Energies Nouvelles, ouvrage collectif “la Géothermie en France”.
- Varet J. (1978) - Aspects légaux de l’exploitation de l’énergie en France. Rapport BRGM 78 SGN 475 GTH.
- Varet J. (1978) - Conférence publique à Nancy : la géothermie. Rapport BRGM 78 SGN 636 GTH.
- Varet J. (1978) - Conférence publique à Nancy : les énergies nouvelles. Rapport BRGM 78 SGN 637 GTH.
- Varet J. (1978) - Géothermie : Ressources françaises et possibilités de mise en valeur. “Annales des Mines”.