Risk Prevention
Géo2D has extensive capacity of predicting and analysing telluric,climatic and environmental risks,using the information to present such future calamites .This capacity emanates from the CEO's past experience of Volcanic Risks coupled with its Prevention and Precaution as well as years of constant contact with field operations. We are capable of evaluating the active geodynamic environments, based on our deep knowledge of the various mechanisms and characteristics of volcanic eruptions in particular the knowledge.
- Publications
- Varet J. (2009) – Terre active, terre en mouvement, les systèmes d’observation d’une terre dynamique – ed. in chief – Geosciences N°9, 24 p., une humanité consciente de la dynamique terrestre, p 4-5.
- Varet J. (2006) – Les risques telluriques – ed. in chief - Géosciences - La revue du BRGM pour une terre durable.- N° 4, 96 p
- Varet J. (2005) - Should natural disasters be cast in the light of sustainable development? - In Northern Lights.- p. 10-11
- Varet J. (1998) - Mission française de retour d'expérience à Sarno (Italie) 19-20 août 1998. – Rapport BRGM/RR-40235-FR, 1998, SGN, D
- Varet J., Westercamp D. (1977) - Les méthodes d'évaluation et de zonation des risques volcaniques aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Rapport de mission août/1977. – Rapport BRGM/RR-15323-FR, 77, ANT, 028